Yes! I want to help Hartford City Mission transform lives in North Hartford by living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Donate By Credit Card or EFT
Donate By Check
If you would like to make a monetary donation to HCM, by check, make it payable to Hartford City Mission and send it to:
Hartford City Mission
P.O. Box 320397
Hartford, CT 06132-0397
P.O. Box 320397
Hartford, CT 06132-0397
Donate via united way
Many employers will let employees designate which charity receives their United Way payroll contributions. Employees in the “United Way of Central and Northeastern CT” area can ask to designate their donations to Hartford City Mission via “Designation Code AG10199."
Leave a legacy Gift
Please also consider adding Hartford City Mission as a beneficiary in your Will. Click here for more information on legacy gifts.
Church Support
Hartford City Mission is currently supported on a regular basis by the mission budgets of a growing number of area churches as well as by the charitable donations of several other partner churches, and many individuals, interested in supporting the work God is doing in Hartford's North End. Churches donating regular support (many more contribute periodic, or special, gifts) either through regular financial support or regular Gifts in Kind, like free use of their facilities in order to run regular programming out of their building:
Bethany Covenant Church - Berlin
Calvary Church, West Hartford
Calvary Fellowship, West Hartford
Covenant Presbyterian, Simsbury
Ebenezer Temple UHCA, Hartford
First Church of Christ, Wethersfield
Glory Chapel International Cathedral, Hartford
New Life Christian Fellowship, Wethersfield
Northend Salvation Army, Hartford
Valley Brook Community Church, Granby
Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon
Wellspring, Berlin
Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church, Wethersfield
Windsor Locks Congregational - Windsor Locks
Wintonbury Church, Bloomfield
Bethany Covenant Church - Berlin
Calvary Church, West Hartford
Calvary Fellowship, West Hartford
Covenant Presbyterian, Simsbury
Ebenezer Temple UHCA, Hartford
First Church of Christ, Wethersfield
Glory Chapel International Cathedral, Hartford
New Life Christian Fellowship, Wethersfield
Northend Salvation Army, Hartford
Valley Brook Community Church, Granby
Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon
Wellspring, Berlin
Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church, Wethersfield
Windsor Locks Congregational - Windsor Locks
Wintonbury Church, Bloomfield
Give a non-monetary Gift
To make a non-monetary donation to HCM, please contact HCM's Executive Director, Victor Rush.